John O’Neil & AtLast! Productions - Select to return home

John O'Neil - AtLast! Productions

Lullaby for Broadway – Broadway will never be the same by the time John O'Neil, one of New England's finest cabaret actors, is finished. Forget "Whatever Happened to Mabel." Whatever happened to Broadway is foremost on John O'Neil's mind as he takes you on a hilarious romp through old Boston, Broadway past and present and John's early forays onto the stage. Lullaby for Broadway was a featured presentation of First Night Boston 2005.

Sentimental Journey – Take a walk down memory lane with John O'Neil and visit some of Massachusetts "hot spots" and vacation places like the Wonderland Ballroom and Nantasket Beach, with great songs like "It's a Sin to Tell a Lie", "Old Cape Cod," and "Tennessee Waltz."

Let's Go to the Movies – Remember when picture-shows cost a quarter and the big screen was filled with names like Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, and Marlon Brando? Remember sneaking into the movie theatre and years later watching those movies again and again on television reruns? Visit the glory days of the Hollywood Musicals, and count down with John the top five movie songs of all time.

Home for the Holidays – Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling "Yoo-hoo." John's mother believed that people could be separated into two groups: Those that hung their tinsel piece, by piece, by piece, by piece and those that threw it on willy-nilly and didn't give a hoot where it landed. Join John as he takes you on a sleigh ride of songs and memories of the holiday season from Thanksgiving through New Years.

'So Kaye: The Songs of Danny Kaye – When Danny Kaye made his Broadway debut in 1941, the world fell in love with the "toomler" from New York.. 'So Kaye: The Songs of Danny Kaye is a one man "tongue-twisting tour-de force" showcasing songs, stories and monologues culled from Mr. Kaye's illustrious career. 'So Kaye was nominated for the prestigious ERNIE award in 2001. Since that time John has performed the show up and down the East Coast from Maine to Florida

Back to Enniskillen – Award winning performer John O'Neil takes you on a delightful journey back home to the Emerald Isle. John toasts the many people who have given him their Irish blessings, including Sister Bernadette, Father Callaghan, Mrs. Mary Genevieve Curry Smith, and a host of neighbors and relatives you are sure to recognize, remember, and love. If you're a fan of the Irish Tenors, the Clancy Brothers, or the Irish Rovers, you will love this Irishman singing the Great Irish Songbook. Bay Windows says, "John O'Neil's 'Danny Boy' is one of the memorable moments of 2004." (Can be performed with trio.)

Radio Waves – It's summertime, love is in the air and John is listening to his radio and singing some of the greatest loves song from the 60s & 70s. Take this walk down memory lane with John O'Neil and visit some of Massachusetts "hot spots" and vacation places like the Wonderland Ballroom and Nantasket Beach, and sing along as he shares some of his favorite memories of his family and their many love stories.